Here is how you should prepare for your upcoming dental sedation procedure in order to have a safe and successful appointment.
The instructions below are applicable to both intravenous (IV) sedation and general anesthesia.
Please note that depending on your needs, your dentist may have specific instructions for you. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your upcoming dental sedation appointment.
Important Instructions for Our Dental Patients
These instructions are provided for your safety! We ask that you please read them very carefully. You may find it helpful to print these instructions and keep them handy as a reference while you are preparing for your appointment.
Food & Drink
Absolutely no eating or drinking after midnight on the night before your appointment. This includes water!
If you take medications, please to take them as usual but with just a small sip of water.
Your safety is paramount! Please be aware that we will need to reschedule your appointment if you do not follow these instructions exactly!
Day Of Your Appointment
Have a responsible adult bring you to your appointment, and drive you home afterwards. It is not safe to drive following sedation.
Remove your contact lenses before you leave home.
If you wear dentures, a partial plate or removable bridgework you should leave it at home. If you prefer to wear your denture to our office be sure to bring a container to store it in during your surgery.
Additional Notes
If you develop a cold before your surgery, you should notify our office as soon as possible.
In cases where you must cancel your surgery, it is essential that you notify the clinic as soon as possible! Our surgery appointments with general anesthesia or IV sedation are scheduled very closely in order to treat as many patients as we can.
If you do not cancel in time, we lose two appointments: yours, and the one we might have booked in your place had you provided ample notice.